AI Use Cases

GenAI Accelerator

Improved per­form­ance through power­ful analytics


Insur­ance gains from Cloud Data & AI

In the insur­ance industry, it is essen­tial for both the insurer and the insured to derive mutual bene­fits from their part­ner­ship. This win-win rela­tion­ship can be fur­ther strengthened through Cloud Data & AI, provid­ing numer­ous advant­ages to the insur­ance world.

Cloud data & AI can be lever­aged to effi­ciently handle low-volume, high-demand claims, while more gran­u­lar data can be pro­cessed to optim­ize ana­lyt­ics tech­niques for risk assess­ment, and to enable the devel­op­ment of new insur­ance ser­vices. AI is used to detect claims at an early stage. The use cases for cloud data and ana­lyt­ics in the insur­ance industry are diverse, and include optim­iz­ing the cus­tomer jour­ney, detect­ing fraud, man­aging risks, improv­ing busi­ness pro­cesses through pro­cess min­ing, image recog­ni­tion for motor vehicle dam­age, and eval­u­at­ing dam­age based on images.



Our cus­tom­ers in insurance

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